To strengthen scissors skills
To be able to manipulate a variety of writing tools and paint brushes
To be able to stack 10 small blocks vertically
To write their name using correct upper and lowercase letters
To be able to throw, catch and bounce a large ball
To be able to balance on one foot
To be able to climb and descend stairs with alternating feet
To be able to skip haltingly
To be exposed to a variety of literature
To model written language through journalizing
To develop comprehension skills
To recognize rhyming words
To recognize upper and lower case alphabet
To recognize beginning phonic sounds
To recognize shapes (star, rectangle, oval, diamond, square, circle, triangle)
To develop sorting, matching, and graphing skills
To be able to identify existing patterns, copy patterns, and create new patterns
To be able to count to 30
To recognize numbers 1-12
To begin simple addition with manipulatives
To gain an understanding of God's Creation
To gain an understanding of cause and effect
To have numerous hands-on opportunities
To identify colors
To expose children to a variety of media
To encourage creativity through a variety of open-ended art activities
To experience cause and effect through various art activities
To expose children to different styles of music
To foster listening skills and promote sound awareness
To encourage children to feel free and interact with music through singing and physical movement
To develop a feeling for rhythm
To encourage enjoyment of and creativity through music